Apple Warns iPhone Users in 98 Countries About New Spyware

Despite the fact that iPhones are thought to be more secure than Android smartphones, hackers target Apple handsets more frequently due to their popularity, particularly when it comes to more advanced spyware assaults.

The manufacturer of iPhones sent a malware alert to its users in 92 different nations earlier this year. Apple has now returned with a similar warning, but it has reached out to iPhone customers in even more nations this time.

This article contains all the information you want on the recent spyware alert and how to protect your iPhone from online threats.

Same threat, new warning

(Image credit: David MG/Shutterstock)

Apple has issued a fresh alert to iPhone owners in 98 countries regarding mercenary malware, as reported by TechCrunch. Several Indian journalists had previously been the subject of the notorious NSO Group and its Pegasus spyware, therefore they were among the users.

According to the alert, "Apple detected that you are being targeted by a mercenary spyware attack," which aims to infiltrate the iPhone linked to your Apple ID remotely. It continues by explaining that a certain user is being targeted because of "who you are or what you do."

Spyware is typically saved for high-value targets like journalists, politicians, and activists since it is more expensive for hackers to use than malware or phishing attempts.

It's important to note that although Apple had previously referred to these events as "state-sponsored" attacks, it is now referring to them as "mercenary spyware attacks." The danger is still there even though the rhetoric may have altered.

How to protect yourself against spyware

(Image credit: robert coolen/Shutterstock)

Updating and running the most recent software on your smartphone is the first and most crucial step in safeguarding the best iPhones against spyware. Both major and minor iOS updates from Apple frequently come with security fixes that may help protect you, your devices, and the data stored on them.

Enabling Apple's Lockdown Mode on your iPhone is something you should also think about if you are or believe yourself to be a high-value target. To reduce vulnerabilities that malware might exploit, doing so does limit some functionality (such as link previews in messages and just-in-time [JIT] JavaScript compilation in your browser). However, if you are seriously at risk, this might be worth it because the alternative is far worse.

You should think about enrolling in Google's Advanced Protection Program in addition to turning on Lockdown Mode. This program is meant to protect you from malicious downloads and phishing scams. It also has certain additional requirements and restrictions that affect how you use your Google account.

However, a warning such as this is more of a wake-up call than a severe threat for most individuals. The fact that iPhones are recognized for their high level of security does not imply that you should take needless online risks. Installing the finest Mac antivirus software is another approach to keep your Mac and iPhone safe. Although some Mac antivirus programs cannot detect viruses on your iPhone, Intego Mac Internet Security X9 and Intego Mac Premium Bundle X9 are capable of doing so.

Because spyware is so profitable and capable of obtaining a variety of private information from a targeted device, it is unlikely that this menace will go away very soon.

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